Career Opportunities is the local One Stop Career Center for the Cape & Islands, and is located in Hyannis.

Career Opportunities serves adults 22 and older, youth ages 14 -21, and those 55 and over who are seeking employment. Most of the services provided are prepaid by our tax dollars. As a result, it costs job seekers and employers nothing to take advantage of these services. To benefit from these services, all a job seeker or employer needs do is become a member of Career Opportunities. Membership is FREE.
Among the services offered at no charge to job seekers is access to the Resource Room. The Resource Room provides job seekers an opportunity to conduct a job search via the Internet, prepare cover letters and resumes using a self-paced software program; copy resumes using a copy machine; send a resume via FAX or set up a job interview by telephone. In addition, job seekers can attend a variety of job search workshops to assist them in their effort to find employment. These services are available at NO CHARGE to the job seeker!
Although most services are available at no charge there is a fee for the more intensive services. The intensive services are customized services provided to job seekers on a one on one basis. In the case of the job seekers, fees may be paid by individuals, employers, unions, or, for eligible individuals, by state, federal or philanthropic sources.
Career Opportunities is an activity of the Cape & Islands Workforce Investment Board and a collaborative of three agencies: the Job Training & Employment Corporation (JTEC), Division of Career Services (DCS) and Division of Unemployment Assistance (DUA). It is funded in part by the Department of Labor, Department of Education, Department of Transitional Assistance and Barnstable County.

Please click below on logo to visit Career Opportunities website.
Find a job in you area. Search job sites, newspapers, associations and company career pages. Visit
A number of resources for job-seekers are available on the state’s Labor & Workforce Development website. To access these services CLICK HERE
For info on how to go about starting your dream career please visit