Career Opportunities is the Cape & Islands’ Local One Stop Career Center located in Hyannis.
Career Opportunities can save employers time and advertising dollars used in their efforts to find qualified employees because there is no charge to employers who place their job orders with Career Opportunities. Nor is there a charge for the employer seeking labor market information or wishing to hold a customized recruitment event at Career Opportunities. These services and more are available to employers at NO CHARGE.
Although most services are available at no charge there is a fee for the more intensive services. The intensive services are customized services provided to job seekers on a one on one basis or specialized human resources services provided to employers.

Career Opportunities is an activity of the Cape & Islands Workforce Investment Board and a collaborative of three agencies: the Job Training & Employment Corporation (JTEC), Division of Career Services (DCS) and Division of Unemployment Assistance (DUA). It is funded in part by the Department of Labor, Department of Education, Department of Transitional Assistance and Barnstable County
The Workforce Training Fund is a state fund enacted into law in July 1998 and financed entirely by Massachusetts employers. Its purpose is to provide resources to Massachusetts businesses and workers to train current and newly hired employees.